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ReThink Disposable Zero Waste Organizer

Morgan received her bachelor's degree in environmental science in 2024 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a focus on social, political, and economic perspectives. She grew up moving across the Midwest, finally landing in London, England before attending college back home. She now works as the Zero Waste Organizer with the ReThink Disposable project to work with local businesses and institutions across Minnesota with the goal of stopping trash before it starts.

Morgan first became interested in advocacy through a program for teens at her local Planned Parenthood, led by the belief that every person is deserving of respect and compassion. Later, during her time at UW Madison, she learned about the strong correlation between social justice and environmental issues and their pervasiveness across the globe. She developed a strong sense of responsibility for protecting the planet and has found a passion for bettering the world, particularly in fields of social justice, climate change, and sustainability.

Morgan is excited to put this passion and experience to work to create a safe, healthy, and beautiful future for our planet and its people, starting here in Minnesota. 
