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Cleaning Up Our Air By Cleaning Transportation

The best way to protect our health from the harms of pollution is to prevent pollution in the first place.

That’s why Clean Water Action is so excited to advocate for the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI), which Connecticut joined along with nine other states last year. TCI is a regional


Complete Streets and clean air in Baltimore

If not for the snow, the Baltimore City Council would have held a hearing today on the Complete Streets ordinance, a bill that would help Baltimore ensure that roads are designed with the safety and wellness of all people in mind. Transportation planning that prioritizes public transit, bicycle, and


Transportation, air quality, BaltimoreLink, and the Red Line

Public transportation systems are a key air quality and climate change issue. About a third of Maryland's total greenhouse gas emissions come from the transportation sector. Public transportation uses at least half as much energy to move a single person as a private vehicle, and one study found that