The Clean Water Act at the Supreme Court
Storms can cause chemical spills that pollute your drinking water: Here's how we stop it
Imagine you get a “thunderstorm warning” on your phone. You light a few candles in case the lights go out, and make sure that you cancel your evening walk. You do everything you can to prepare for what the storm might bring. But, did you know that same storm could contaminate your drinking water?
Using Water Pollution Permits to Keep PFAS out of Drinking Water
The future is unwritten.
Neil Bhaerman is a Clean Water Action member and former Clean Water Action phone canvasser and Communications Manager. He currently directs communications for the Ohio Federation of Teachers.
I’m sorry. Four years ago, the week before the 2016 election, I wrote this, a look into a possible future
EPA's Lead and Copper Rule Proposal: Failing to Protect Public Health
Today, I was honored to testify at the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change Hearing on EPA's Lead and Copper Rule Proposal: Failing to Protect Public Health.