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Ten Years of Clean Water Advocacy Victory: EPA Enacts Limits on Coal-Burning Power Plant Wastewater Pollution!

Last week’s announcement of Clean Water Act water pollution limits for wastewater from power plants that burn coal was the culmination of over ten years of Clean Water Action advocacy. During that time, we have published reports, prepared technical comments, and mobilized Clean Water Action members and the public to weigh in on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposals during three different comment periods.

Let's Put Lead Service Lines Behind Us

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed updates to the Safe Drinking Water Act Lead and Copper Rule and is accepting public comments through February 5, 2024.

Clean Water Action Speaks Out Against Coal Ash

Until EPA enforces the federal rule and ensures all coal ash dumps are regulated, contamination of groundwater and drinking water supplies will continue. We must make enforcement a priority and mandate safe closure and cleanup of coal ash nationwide to ensure all communities are protected.