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We Will Not Be Silenced: Speaking Out Against NEPA Rollbacks

Clean Water Action joined environmental advocates and community leaders from across the country for a rally and hearing in Washington, DC to speak out against the Trump Administration's rollbacks of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Kim Gaddy, Clean Water Action's Environmental Justice Organizer, traveled from Newark, NJ to speak at the hearing.

#LetUsBreathe in Massachusetts

If you live in Massachusetts, I'm almost 100% certain you or someone you know has asthma. See, our state holds the dubious distinction of being the worst in the Northeast with regards to asthma. The prevalence of asthma in both children and adults—and related deaths—is amongst the highest in the nation.


New Jersey Legislative Priorities for 2020!

We're gearing up for an exciting new legislative session - and hope you will join us in holding our elected officials accountable and prioritizing clean water, our health and the environment!