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During COVID 19: Reusable Bags are Still the Better Choice

Please join our campaign! Start by writing to City Council NOW and email me to learn about other ways you can help. Also, if your store has stopped allowing the use of reusable bags, please contact them and urge them to allow reusable bags again. Together, let’s make it happen.

Maryland bans toxic flame retardants, can Massachusetts be next?

At this point many people are aware of the dangers of the toxic flame-retardant chemicals that are applied to household products. Now, widespread concern is turning into real action. Motivated by consumer interest, many manufacturers and retailers have been phasing out these chemicals and using


Protecting Virginians from Toxic Chemicals

Clean Water Action and our allies have led efforts during this year’s Virginia General Assembly legislative session for action to protect our public drinking water, increase lead testing in public schools and daycares, and implement policies to address toxic chemicals in consumer products and packaging.

#LetUsBreatheNJ - Call to Action

Clean Water Action joined the Moving Forward Network in holding a World Asthma Day Virtual Town Hall featuring elected officials, health professionals and grassroots leaders working on the front lines to address the root cause in “asthma hotspots” like Newark, Elizabeth, Camden, California as well as state legislators promoting environmental justice legislation.

Cleaning Up Our Air By Cleaning Transportation

The best way to protect our health from the harms of pollution is to prevent pollution in the first place.

That’s why Clean Water Action is so excited to advocate for the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI), which Connecticut joined along with nine other states last year. TCI is a regional