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Coming Together For Equitable Public Power

A number of communities are taking action to explore what it would take to break from investor-owned utilities who are failing to meet community reliability, sustainability, and affordability expectations and instead form a new public power utilities. Over two years and across multiple states, the Public Power Project collaboration explored the perspective of campaigners, public officials, staff of existing municipal power utilities, and communities already served by public power. Through landscape analysis, interviews, and focus groups this report shares insights gained about how public power, in its incumbent and emergent forms, can be equitable, just, and democratic.

Minnesota Currents | Summer 2023

In This Issue: Minnesota Makes History with PFAS Prevention Package | In Memoriam: Amara Strande | Cumulative Impacts and the Role Clean Water Action Is Playing in Environmental Justice Work | ReThink Disposable In Minnesota: Meet Chloe! | Progress on Lead Removal | Thank You For Your Support This Year!