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Septic Systems and the Climate Crisis

If your home is in a rural area in Maryland, your sinks, toilets, showers, dishwasher, and washing machine probably empty into a septic tank. How does a septic tank work? Watery waste, or effluent, is most of the waste, where anaerobic bacteria begin to break it down. The sludge, or inorganic

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Pendley Must Go

Happy New Year.

William Perry Pendley, an ardent advocate for the disposal and sell-off of public lands, is still acting director of the Bureau of Land Management. In the midst of a disastrous, politically motivated relocation of BLM headquarters from Washington, DC, this first workday of 2020 will

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My Testimony to EPA about its Toxic Water Proposal

On Thursday, December 19th I participated in a "virtual" public hearing on the Trump administration's dangerous plan to let dirty power plants dump even more pollution into our rivers, putting more communities at risk. These rollbacks will impact communities across the country. Despite this, EPA

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Replacing a forest with a business park?

In Abingdon in Harford County, a developer has proposed to build a new "Abingdon Business Park:" three e-commerce/warehouse facilities, four restaurants, two flex retail spaces, one hotel, one convenience store and additional flex spaces, requiring the clear-cutting of 226 acres of a 330-acre forest

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