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Key Issues in EPA’s Proposed Lead and Copper Rule Revisions #2

The purpose of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) is to reduce lead and copper at the tap. EPA’s proposed revisions to the LCR make significant changes to the aspects related to lead. EPA is accepting comments on the proposal until February 13, 2020. This is the second in a series of blog posts on specific aspects of EPA’s proposal. Read Part 1 here.

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Baltimore banned plastic bags!

Yesterday morning, we gathered with Baltimore City residents, advocates, Council members, state delegates, and Mayor Young for the final signing of legislation we've been working for over the past six months: the Comprehensive Bag Reduction Act! This city legislation bans plastic checkout bags in

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2020 Maryland Legislative Agenda

This year, we will be advocating for:

No more subsidies for trash incinerators. Since 2011, trash incinerators have benefited from Maryland's Renewable Portfolio Standard, which subsidizes renewable energy sources and was designed to move us to a lower carbon energy mix. Unfortunately, trash
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