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Building Solar on Roofs: Testimony on SB330

SB330: State-Funded Construction and Major Renovations Projects - Solar Panels - Requirement

Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee

January 21, 2021

Positon: Favorable

Dear Chairman Pinsky and Members of the Committee,

As Maryland strives towards clean energy goals, smart

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Working Together For Change

On this momentous Inauguration Day, I am reflecting on the challenges we’ve faced as well as the positive change we have created together these past four years. Across the country, we banded together, steadfast in our duty to protect our environment in the face of very real threats.

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Marching Forward Together -- Thoughts on the Inauguration of Joe Biden

Our job is to make sure, as much as possible, we stay focused on the ultimate goals -- combating climate change, protecting clean water, ending white supremacy and the systematic oppression faced by Black, Indigenous, and other people of color throughout this country, and moving forward toward a brighter future. These campaigns will take longer than two years, but we have to set ourselves on the correct path now.
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Maryland Compost Advocacy Coalition

The Maryland Compost Advocacy Coalition is made up of individual advocates and representatives of Maryland groups as well as national public interest organizations. We are organized to educate about the positive benefits of legislation to advance composting, compost use and food waste reduction in

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