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Campaigning for Water Affordability in California

I joined Clean Water Action almost a year ago in March, at the beginning of the pandemic and the first shelter in place order in California. At the time, there was (and still is) a lot of uncertainty about the future and the extent to which our current ways of being and systems would be impacted. I

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Moving past single-use plastics in Howard County

Tonight, the Howard County Council is holding a hearing on Council Bill 13-2021, to eliminate a range of single-use plastic food products. Here's our testimony on why that's a great idea.

February 15, 2021

Dear Howard County County Council,

On behalf of Clean Water Action’s over 7,000 members

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Support HB0332: Burning Trash is Not Clean Energy!

Today, the House Economic Matters Committee is holding a hearing on HB0332, legislation to reform Maryland's Renewable Portfolio Standard - a program intended when it was created in 2004 to promote new wind and solar development. Since then, polluting energy sources have successfully lobbied to add

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