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No Excuse for Water Pollution

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director I have worked on water issues for a long time, so I don’t expect surprises about pollution sources. But that’s what I got when we began to see the facts on water pollution from our nation’s power plants, especially coal plants. It turns out that power
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Can We #ProtectCleanWater?

By Angelique Giraud, Florida Energy Community Organizer Advocates from all over the nation gathered together July 10th in Washington, DC to speak out in support of clean water. For the first time in over 30 years, we have the chance to make power plants, particularly coal-fired plants, clean up
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From Missouri to DC to #ProtectCleanWater

Patricia Shuba Speaking at the Power Plant Water Pollution Press Event

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director This morning I met Patricia Schuba from the Labadie Environmental Organization in Missouri. Patricia came to Washington, DC today not to see the monuments and museums but to make sure
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