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Vote for Clean Water. Vote for Ed Markey.

By Cindy Luppi, New England Regional Director Tomorrow is a really big day for the Bay State and I'll be proud to walk into the voting booth tomorrow and cast my ballot for Ed Markey for the US Senate. The choice we make tomorrow matters beyond our current horizons -- for our communities, for our
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Cell Phones the Size of Your Head

If Zack Morris can upgrade his phone, can't EPA upgrade its rules? Click here.

By Michael Kelly, Director on Online Communications

1982: The internet didn’t exist, MTV played music videos, Time’s “Man of the Year” was the personal computer, the emoticon :-) was invented, “cell” phones weren’t

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Protecting "Pure Michigan"

I’m a father of 3 and an avid runner, having run in countless marathons from the Bayshore in Traverse City to the Boston Marathon. To me, there’s no better way to enjoy “Pure Michigan” than by lacing up my shoes and hitting the road for a run with my kids. But there’s something threatening our Pure
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Senator Whitehouse: Standing up for Common Sense

Join Senator Whitehouse - Send a message today!

By Jamie Rhodes, Rhode Island Director We are in the midst of a dangerous conversation across this nation about the interplay of our economy and our environment. Claims that laws and regulations designed to protect the environment, public health and
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