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Denver Water’s Plan to Get the Lead Out While Protecting Our Watersheds

Denver Water’s Lead Reduction Program Plan is the culmination of a rigorous, 18-month-long stakeholder process that included federal, state, and local agencies, wastewater and drinking water utilities, and environmental and conservation organizations. Clean Water Action staff attended numerous stakeholder meetings and submitted a letter of support for Denver Water’s July 2019 draft plan. We strongly support the revised plan and are pleased that Denver Water incorporated many of our recommendations into its final proposal to EPA.
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MDE listens to stories about "A Geyser of Human Waste"

On September 30, 2019, the Maryland Department of Environment held a meeting on the growing concerns surrounding the effectiveness of the “Baltimore City Building Backup Expedited Reimbursement Pilot Program”. Albeit the name of the program is long, the issues that this program remedies are concise

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Getting ready for 2020 in Massachusetts

Year after year, election after election, clean water voters make a difference in local, state and national elections by showing up at the polls and voting for candidates who are putting the priorities of our communities first and who are working to protect clean water and act on climate. We did

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