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How Salt Gets in the Environment

Human inputs of salt increase concentrations far beyond naturally occurring levels, threatening ecosystem balance. While salt can enter the environment through many different activities, road salt usage is the most significant contributor to salt pollution.
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How Salty is Maryland?

The Potomac River, which supplies drinking water to more than 5 million people, is three times saltier than 30 years ago. It is crucial that we halt this trend before more people lose access to safe drinking water.
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Frederick City Primary Election Forums

All across Maryland, the news is buzzing about the race for Governor, but in some local governments, it's already election season. If you're registered to vote with a political party in Frederick City, a ballot is on its way (if it hasn't arrived already!) for you to vote in the Primary for the

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Testimony on the Baltimore City Budget

On June 8, 2021, the Baltimore City Council voted to adopt the City's Fiscal Year 2022 budget without introducing any amendments. Our budgets reflect our values, and we're paying close attention to how the city's spending is prioritizing - or not - sewage infrastructure, especially protecting

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