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Fighting Back Against Utility Greed

Graphic courtesy of the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.

Here's the bad news, Massachusetts: Eversource Energy is proposing a large rate increase, coupled with fees on solar energy and a structure that reduces customer control as well as incentives for cost-saving energy efficiency. Clean

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Recognizing Women Leaders: Laura Vandenberg, PhD

International Women's Day seems more important than ever this year... to honor important women leaders in environmental health, we're shining the spotlight today on one of our favorite sheroes, a trailblazing scientist whose research helps explore the complex relationships between toxic chemicals

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Getting a Leg Up on Getting the Lead Out

Photo: Lead-lined iron water pipe and lead pipe removed from the Quincy, MA water system

A great new tool was released recently to help communities speed up replacing their remaining Lead Service Lines (LSLs), which deliver drinking water to millions of homes across the U.S. The Lead Service Line Replacement Collaborative is working to accelerate full lead service line replacement by engaging community stakeholders in collaborative processes in this critical undertaking. The Collaborative’s work is based on the recognition that we need to get lead out of contact with drinking water to prevent the risk of exposure to lead at the tap.

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For a hot V-day, hold the flame retardants

For Valentine’s Day this year, I want a hot date. So back off winter storms, late nights at work, the flu, or anything else that might keep me from my mission.

Chemical industry, I’m talking to you too! Keep your Chlorinated Tris, PBDEs and Firemaster 550 away. I’m looking to fan the flames of love

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Living Dangerously (in a Unsafe Climate)

On January 24 th the Massachusetts Campaign for a Clean Energy Future—a coalition of organizations, coordinated by Clean Water Action, working to bring carbon pricing to the Bay State--held a screening of an episode of the Years of Living Dangerously in the Jamaica Plain neighborhood of Boston.


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