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How to Connect and Inspire: Ellie Goldberg

This is the second in a series of interviews with Clean Water Action Massachusetts Advisory Board Members.

Ellie Goldberg has two daughters and lives in Newton. She is focused on environmental health and safety and has a special passion for protecting children. Ellie has been involved with Clean

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Massachusetts Senate Passes Clean Energy Bill

Last week, the Massachusetts Senate passed a landmark clean energy bill, S.2545, An Act to Promote a Clean Energy Future. While the fight is not over, and a House version still needs to pass, this bill is a strong signal to the world that Massachusetts wants to be on the forefront of climate policy and justice.

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Sounding the Alarm on... Nap Mats?

ATTENTION! Thanks to researchers in Seattle, WA, a recently released study demonstrated that eliminating a single source of toxic flame retardants—nap mats—from a day care center can drastically reduce children’s exposure to the hazardous chemicals. The results show that foam nap mats in childcare

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