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Wins for Clean Water Across the Country

With your support, Clean Water Action is making a big impact for our water, health and communities across the country! Check out this roundup of the latest and greatest accomplishments. To support our programs, make a special contribution here. By speaking out together, our voices are heard!


Save Money and The Environment with ReThink Disposable

Imagine a world without plastic waste. For Plastic Free July, millions of people around the globe are working to make this vision a reality by stopping the use of single-use disposable plastics for one month.

By participating in Plastic Free July, you can make an incredible difference to break


Straw Free December

Did you know there is a floating patch of plastic and other garbage in the Pacific that's twice the size of Texas and 9 feet deep? Marine life and birds are eating this plastic and literally starving to death. As a consumer, it seems almost impossible to avoid plastic, however, there are easy ways