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Plastic Free July 2020

We are in one of the worst eras of plastic pollution ever, but we are also in one of the best moments of plastic pollution activism! Join us in celebrating Plastic Free July - a month dedicated to raising awareness and taking action to fight plastic pollution.

During COVID 19: Reusable Bags are Still the Better Choice

Please join our campaign! Start by writing to City Council NOW and email me to learn about other ways you can help. Also, if your store has stopped allowing the use of reusable bags, please contact them and urge them to allow reusable bags again. Together, let’s make it happen.

Baltimore banned plastic bags!

Yesterday morning, we gathered with Baltimore City residents, advocates, Council members, state delegates, and Mayor Young for the final signing of legislation we've been working for over the past six months: the Comprehensive Bag Reduction Act! This city legislation bans plastic checkout bags in


Save Money and The Environment with ReThink Disposable

Imagine a world without plastic waste. For Plastic Free July, millions of people around the globe are working to make this vision a reality by stopping the use of single-use disposable plastics for one month.

By participating in Plastic Free July, you can make an incredible difference to break


ReThink Disposable for Plastic Free July!

This July, join millions of people around the world reducing their plastic waste. Clean Water Action’s ReThink Disposable program is excited to be part of the solution to plastic pollution – every day we work for cleaner streets, oceans and beautiful communities. Join us - together, we can make a difference and be a part of the solution!