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Testimony in Support of NJ's Environmental Justice Bill

Kim Gaddy, Clean Water Action's Environmental Justice Organizer, testified before the NJ Assembly Environment Committee on Monday July 20, 2020 in support of NJ's Environmental Justice legislation (S232 / A2212). If you live in New Jersey, please contact your legislators to urge them to pass the


Giving Food Waste a Second Life

Amidst this time of hardship and uncertainty, we bring you some good news: Governor Murphy has signed a food waste recycling mandate (A2371/S865) that will help keep food waste out of landfills and implement more sustainable practices.


Rebuilding New Jersey’s Budget and Environment for the Many

As our state heroically strives to meet this crisis with a too-small Rainy Day Fund and an underfunded budget, it is worth considering what type of budget choices New Jersey can make now that can support working families, our state’s economy, and our state’s environment as we move forward together.


New Jersey Legislative Priorities for 2020!

We're gearing up for an exciting new legislative session - and hope you will join us in holding our elected officials accountable and prioritizing clean water, our health and the environment!


The Summer We Couldn't Swim

The Summer of 2019 is over and in New Jersey, we’ve been slammed with an ugly effect of the climate crisis – more and often longer outbreaks of toxic algae.