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Imagine a Day without Water

The Human Right to Water, which has been California Law since 2012, says that “every human being has the right to safe, clean, affordable, and accessible water adequate for human consumption, cooking, and sanitary purposes.” Imagine a day without water – and support our fight to ensure that every Californian has access.

Testimony on HF24, Full Replacement of Lead Service Lines in Minnesota

House File 24 is Minnesota’s opportunity to rid our communities of lead service lines once and for all. With unprecedented federal funding, the support of labor unions, the opportunity to create good jobs with a prevailing wage, and the ability to protect Minnesotans from lead, now is the time to take swift and decisive action.

Urge Texas lawmakers to fund water infrastructure!

The Texas Water Development Board is responsible for helping provide funds for drinking water systems, wastewater systems, and flood control - a mighty job for a large state with so many different water challenges! Send a message to the Texas Legislature in support full funding for these important priorities.

Ask your MI representatives to make water a priority!

In 2022, MI voters made it clear that we want leaders in elected office to prioritize protecting our water and ensuring that all Michigan residents have access to safe, clean, affordable drinking water. Take action today and tell your representatives in Lansing to make this a priority!

Report from the White House Summit on Accelerating Lead Pipe Replacement

It’s no small thing to move an issue like lead service line replacement all the way to the White House. Growing recognition that there are still sources of lead in our drinking water systems and that they pose a real health risk has helped propel this issue to the top of the Administration’s agenda.

Pass State Legislation to Protect Kids from Lead

Children all across Pennsylvania are at risk of exposure to lead through paint in old housing units, aging infrastructure leaching lead into our drinking water and soil contamination from demolished industrial sites.