Calling all parents and kids! Many of us are spending more time at home right now during the outbreak of COVID-19, and for those with kids and little ones out of school or daycare, you may be searching for creative ways to keep them active, educated and entertained. That's why I'm excited to invite you to join Clean Water Action's Earth Day Design Contest - a super fun quarantine activity you can do with your kids at home using simple supplies like pencil, paper and markers. Visit our website for all of the details.
This Virtual Day of Art will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22nd. Invite your kids to join in a worldwide movement focused on protecting our environment. If the COVID-19 crisis has taught me anything, it's that the health of our water, environment and climate are more important now than ever. This project is a fun way to ask your kids how they are feeling. Some of the questions you can ask: What can we do to protect our water and stop climate change? How important is it to have a healthy, clean water future so we can have safe water to drink, swim and play in? How does water play a role in the health of our planet and climate? Then work with them to illustrate this through art.
You can pick any day to participate between now and Earth Day on April 22nd. Clean Water Action will be featuring the drawings and designs on our website and on social media during Earth Month. On April 30, we'll pick a winner who's artwork that will be featured on a T-Shirt design with proceeds from sales going to support Clean Water's environmental programs.
I hope you can celebrate our 50th Earth Day by participating in our Earth Day Design Contest! Thank you for supporting a clean water and healthy environmental future. For more info and to participate, visit www.cleanwater.org/design.