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press release

Stopping EPA's Reckless Giveaway to Coal Plants

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Clean Water Action and eight allied organizations represented by Earthjustice filed suit in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to stop the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Steam Electric Reconsideration Rule.
press release

Major Environmental Group Urges NJ NOT to Join Weak Climate Pact - Calls for Stronger, Faster, Environmentally Just Measures

Clean Water Action announced today its opposition to New Jersey joining the proposed multi-state agreement, Transportation & Climate Initiative (TCI). Clean Water Action is the first major environmental group in New Jersey to join the NJ Environmental Justice Alliance (NJEJA) and Ironbound Community Corporation (ICC) in urging the Murphy Administration to reject the pact in favor of mandatory pollution reductions, targeted funding and action on overburdened communities, and more participatory decision-making especially in communities most affected.