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Texas Currents - Spring 2016

In this issue: Bureau of Land Management Bails on Leases for Fracking; Let the Sun Shine on the Texas Railroad Commission; What on Earth is Happening
With Our Groundwater?; Don’t Mess With Onion Creek!; Austin Makes Once-a-Week Lawn Watering Permanent.


The Chilling Effect of Oil and Gas Money on Our Democracy

The oil and gas industry, aided by the erosion of campaign finance laws and nearly boundless lobbying budgets, asserts enormous influence over legislative processes in real time while also enjoying legacy influence in regulatory frame- works. The results can be devastating to the health of the environment and the public.


Buyer Beware

Buyer Beware set out to analyze the interior coatings and lids of nearly 200 canned foods collected in 19 states and one Canadian province to determine whether the use of bisphenol A (BPA) continues to be widespread among major national brands and retailers of canned foods.