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Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund 2019 Annual Report

Throughout 2019, our programs defended essential environmental and health protections, while strengthening the grassroots base of people who care about our water and want to see it protected — now and for future generations. We continue to lay the groundwork to reverse the worst of the extreme cuts and rollbacks advanced by polluters and their allies in government. Together, we can restore our nation’s historic commitment to fishable, swimmable, drinkable water.

Community Letter -- PFAS Provisions in NDAA for FY 21

September 17, 2020

The Honorable Adam Smith -- Chairman, House Armed Services Committee

The Honorable Mac Thornberry -- Ranking Member, House Armed Services Committee

The Honorable James M. Inhofe -- Chairman, U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services

The Honorable Jack Reed -- Ranking Member


The Clean Water Scorecard for the 116th Congress

Since the start of the 116th Congress in 2019, the House of Representatives has worked to put people, water, and the environment first while the Senate has prioritized corporate special interests and rubber stamping the President’s nominees. Clean Water Action’s Scorecard documents these attacks and