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The US House Should Pass HR 2, the Moving America Forward Act

Alaska Wilderness League Action* American Horse Protection SocietyAnimal Wellness Action * Animal Wellness Foundation * Campaign for America’s FutureClean Water Action * Climate Reality Project * Earthjustice * EarthworksEnvironmental Defense Fund * Environmental Law & Policy Center* Green For


Letter to Congress Regarding H.R. 2 (June 2020)

June 29, 2020 Dear Representative,

The undersigned organizations support numerous provisions in H.R. 2, The Moving Forward Act, that invest in our nation’s water infrastructure, environmental justice, ecosystem restoration, and community resilience.

We depend on wastewater and stormwater


New England Currents | Spring/Summer 2020

In This Issue: MASSACHUSETTS - Taking a stand against racism and police brutality | Clean Water Action responds to COVID-19 | Safe Cleaning and Disinfection in the Age of Coronavirus | #IStandWithMashpee | Re-elect Ed Markey to the US Senate | RHODE ISLAND - A Safe and Healthy Rhode Island | CONNECTICUT - Tackling PFAS Contamination | Pressing for Bold Climate Action Requires Energy Efficiency

Letter on Final Passage of HR 51 -- DC Statehood

June 25, 2020

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi 235 Cannon House Office Building United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515

The Honorable Kevin McCarthy 2421 Rayburn House Office Building United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515

Cc: All Members of the House of