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Michigan Legislative Priorities

Clean Water Action has 135,000 active Michigan members who value our Great Lakes and protection of the water resources on which we all rely. This document covers our priorities and policy recommendations for the 102nd Michigan legislature.

Letter to EPA: Propose PFAS Standards in Drinking Water

Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund co-authored and mobilized allies to sign a letter urging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Biden Administration to propose first-ever federal drinking water standards for some PFAS chemicals. EPA was supposed to publish the proposal in late 2022 but has yet to do so. The following letter, signed by over 100 environmental organizations, urges Administration officials and EPA to move forward which will lead to a public comment period and then finalization of Safe Drinking Water Act limits.

Report: The Need to Enforce Waste Bans in Massachusetts

Every year in Massachusetts more than 40% of the waste in landfills, incinerators, or as litter (more than 2 million tons) is composed of materials that were banned from disposal long ago by Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection regulations. This report covers the scope of the problem and provides recommendations to eliminate this substantial portion of the waste stream.