Clean Water Action endorses and works to elect candidates at all levels of government that share our priorities to better protect our environment and safeguard our public health.
In This Issue: Pennsylvania's Black Legislators' Push for Environmental Justice | Pittsburgh Lead Safe Ordinance | Rules to Reduce Dangerous Air Pollution Levels | Eliminating Single Use Bags in Philadelphia | Hood to Waters Tour | Getting the Vote Out!
In This Issue: Philadelphia Challenges State Over Law to Stop the Plastic Bag Ban | EPA Community Roundtable on Lead in Drinking Water | Cleaning up US Steel in the Mon Valley | Gerrymandering Judicial Elections | Pittsburgh Lead Safe Ordinance
In this issue: Elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris | Voting by Mail? Make Sure to Read This! | Replacing a Zero with a Hero | 2019-2020 Pennsylvania Legislative Scorecard | Endorsements | We Need You! Volunteer
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