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Earth Day at 50 and Clean Water

50 years ago, someone had the idea that if we gathered together on a single day, we could show solidarity in our demands to protect and restore our environment, show strength in numbers, and gather comfort from being with like-minded people. Rivers were on fire, people were dying from pollution and

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Moving away from zero waste in Montgomery County?

UPDATE: On April 15, the bill to suspend the disposable bag fee in Montgomery County was withdrawn! Read more in the County's press release here. When conducting necessary shopping, please remember to bring your clean reusable bag, bag your groceries yourself, and wash the reusable bag between each

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Why do you keep asking me for money?

We get asked this question a lot – even more frequently of late. You deserve some answers.

In ordinary times, Clean Water Action sends out 2 or 3 fundraising (or fundraising-related) appeals each month. Most frequently, this is done by email. We may also call you on the phone, send you a letter in

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