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Testimony for SB229, On-Farm Composting

SB229: Environment – On–Farm Composting Facilities – Permit Exemption House Environment and Transportation Committee March 30, 2022

Positon: Favorable

Dear Chairman Barve and Members of the Committee,

Clean Water Action supports SB229 to expand the footprint of on-farm compost facilities, and we

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Get Ready for the Bag Ban in New Jersey!

Get those reusable bags ready! On May 4th, plastic carryout bags will no longer be allowed in New Jersey and if you don’t already bring your own reusable bag to the store, now is the time to start! At that time, all stores will be prohibited from providing single-use plastic carryout bags. Smaller

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Climate Action Now!

Together, with our amazing phone canvass team, we’re urging all legislators to support and pass these bills by the end of session on May 9th. Join us to fight for bold climate action now!!
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