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When No Means Yes

Michigan Policy Director Susan Harley is joined by Clean Water Heroes for the release of our Midterm Legislative Scorecard

By Cyndi Roper, Michigan State Director If you were a Lansing lawmaker with a perfect environmental voting record in 2011, you were voting no. With a state House majority firmly
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Philadelphia Eagles are the leading Green Team

By Colleen Meehan, Pennsylvania Program Organizer

Eagles Fans for PA's Forests!

On December 18 th, Clean Water Action staff served as the Community Partner for the Philadelphia Eagles home game against the New York Jets. The Eagles recognized our work raising public awareness about threats to public
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What's in Store for 2012?

By Lynn Thorp , National Programs Director On the first day back after the New Year, with 2011 and all the resolution making behind us, I wondered what would be in store for our work in 2012. If yesterday’s Washington Post is any indication, maybe we’ll find a renewed understanding of the critical
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Dandelions for Kids

By Kerry Doyle, NJ Environmental Federation Community Organizer Kerry organizes communities Monday through Friday year-round (in every type of weather) doing door-to-door environmental education and fundraising campaigns. She has been with the organization for seven years – her unrelenting
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Join Our #Protect Clean Water Twitter Torrent!

By Jennifer Peters, National Water Campaigns Coordinator For the past decade, Clean Water Action has led the fight to restore pollution protections for small streams, wetlands and other water bodies that risk being poisoned or destroyed by developers, Big Coal or other polluters because of weak
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