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By Sarah de Flesco, Program Coordinator, Florida Office
About a month ago, Clean Water Action and hundreds of mothers, parents, and community leaders gathered in Washington, DC to meet with members of Congress to advocate for the reform of our antiquated toxic chemical laws. Today we are joining people across the country to call for real reform to our nation’s chemical laws. We’re picking up the phone and calling our Senators and Representatives – and we need as many peole as possible. Will you join us? Give your Senators and Representative a call today. Tell Congress that we need to protect pregnant women, children, and people most at risk. Call the Congressional Switchboard at 1-888-907-6886 and ask to speak with your representatives. Our federal law on toxic chemicals has not been updated since 1976.  Since then, science has demonstrated that hundreds of toxic chemicals in everyday products are linked to developmental and neurological problems.  But unfortunately, the law has not been updated to reflect the science. The Chemical Safety Improvement Act, which is before the Senate is flawed and won’t give us the reform we need. We need real reform of our chemical laws. Time is of the essence and our kids can’t wait – be a part of the National Day of Action and make a call. Help your family and community by calling Congress on Monday for real toxic chemical reform.  Call the Congressional line at 1-888-907-6886 to leave a message with your elected official, or call them directly at their DC or district offices. To get others involved, share this article on your Facebook page and make a call today!