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It's time - End the Shutdown and Pay our Debts

By Michael Kelly, Communications Director Fifteen days and counting. Unless Republicans in the House are determined to break the record for longest shutdown in history (21 days in 1994) then it's time to get something done. Because, beyond the impacts of having the "cops" off the the beat - the
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Climate-changing Pollution Impacts Water, too

By Jonathan A. Scott, Clean Water Action Communications Staff Even more strongly and conclusively than previous research efforts, today's report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) implicates human-caused pollution as the cause of changing temperatures, warming of the oceans and
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“I Feel Like it is 1810 All Over Again"

Submit your comments before midnight!

By Jennifer Peters, National Water Campaigns Coordinator Since late May our organizers have been going door to door to talk about a huge problem that many people don’t know about – toxic water pollution from power plants, mostly coal plants. Everybody knows
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We Really Can Put Drinking Water First

By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director When I first learned that power plants, especially coal plants, are the #1 discharger of toxic contaminants into surface waters I was actually surprised. When I learned that many of these discharges happen near drinking water intakes, I was intrigued. Then
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Today’s Clean Water Good News from EPA: Why You Should Care

by Jonathan A. Scott, Clean Water Action Communications Staff Today’s good news, in two parts. First: Today, roughly 12 years after pro-polluter court decisions and actions by the Bush Administration weakened critical Clean Water Act protections, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is taking
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