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67 Marylanders speak out for offshore wind

As protectors of the environment, we seem to spend most of our time fighting against dangerous proposals. From trash-burning incinerators to crude oil train terminals, the resources at Baltimore's port seem to attract some of the worst examples of failed development. But last night was an incredible

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Carbon Fight - Going Regional

With national environmental policy in the hands of administrators and officials allied with polluters, it has become essential for activists to form innovative alliances to advance progressive programs.

The president’s executive order aimed at overturning six of President Obama’s directives on regulating carbon emissions, including the Clean Power Plan, is just the latest attempt to reverse hard-won victories for clean water and air.

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California Leads on Reducing Methane Emissions

Yesterday, the California Air Resources Board (ARB) adopted the strongest regulations in the country to reduce methane emissions from oil and gas production and storage.

Clean Water Action and our allies led the charge to get these regulations in place.

As California leads the way, the Trump

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Offshore wind, onshore jobs in Baltimore

For over a century, Baltimore has been a hub for dirty energy sources and other industry that has put our environment and our communities in danger. From coal-burning power plants and the BRESCO trash incinerator to crude oil train terminals and the coal export facility in South Baltimore, dirty

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