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Maryland leads against climate change and dirty water

Our national news is full of bad news for the environment, but we don't need the Paris Climate Accords to fight climate change. Here's some good news on our local campaigns across the state fighting for clean air, clean water, and health:

Maryland acts on climate with offshore wind and onshore jobs
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Meeting Green Neighbors in Baker Park

Emily, Caitlin from the Potomac Conservancy, and I spent last weekend in downtown Frederick at the Green Neighbor Festival. This two-day gathering for environmentalists, gardeners, advocates, and families was planned by Hood College’s Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies (CCWS) and the Friends

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Just Say No to Straws

Every day in the U.S., people use 500 million straws a day - enough to circle to planet more than two-and-a-half times! Straws are now one of the top 10 marine debris items found on our beaches. And by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean.

So, what do we do about it?

An easy step

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