A few weeks ago, the Public Service Commission declared that the two offshore wind companies vying for Offshore wind Renewable Energy Credits could move forward with their plans to construct the nation's first utility-scale offshore wind farms off the coast of Ocean City - provided they met certain requirements designed to make sure that these projects benefit Marylanders as much as possible. Last week, both companies agreed to these terms - bringing Maryland a huge step closer to having a reliable, long-term, climate-neutral supply of energy spinning off our coast.
Most notably, the companies will be investing a combined $115 million dollars in manufacturing facilities and port upgrades at Sparrow's Point in eastern Baltimore County to make it a manufacturing hub for offshore wind infrastructure. Offshore wind promises to be a huge boon to jobs and economic development in Baltimore City and County, and this condition brings us closer to a future where Baltimore City is the national leader in offshore wind.
Many thanks to our members who spoke out at hearings or rallied at Baltimore City Hall to make this victory possible!