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As an expert in love, I wrote last year on Valentine’s Day about the torrid love affair between President Trump, GOP congressional leaders, and the fossil fuel industry.

In the 365 days since, the Trump administration has not eased up on their romantic gifts to oil, gas, coal and petrochemical companies. In fact, this bad romance has only intensified. That’s why we need you to show your love for clean water with a special gift today.

Most recently, on Monday the Trump administration released their proposed budget for 2019 and their long overdue infrastructure plan, and both are full of gifts to the fossil fuel industry, including:

❤ Increased drilling and mining on public lands;
❤ Letting fossil fuel companies pay to fast track their own environmental reviews;
❤ $20 Billion in “Transformative Projects” funding that could finance fossil fuel extraction and pipeline development;
❤ Slashing funding for renewable energy;
❤ Gutting EPA’s ability to hold corporate polluters accountable.

Clean Water Action is gearing up to stop this reckless budget proposal and infrastructure scam – but they need your help. Make a special gift today.

With all the activity in D.C., it’s hard to tell exactly who loves the fossil fuel industry most. Here are just some of the grand romantic gestures we’ve seen over the past year:

❤ EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is in the process of repealing the Clean Power Plan – putting fossil fuel profits ahead of public health, hundreds of thousands of clean energy jobs, and our climate future.
❤ Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke is trying to sell off public lands and coastlines for oil and gas drilling, and he’s sacrificing our health and climate by weakening limits on methane emissions.
❤ After failing in his plan for a multi-billion dollar coal bailout, Secretary of Energy Rick Perry is now reportedly considering funneling “emergency compensation” to the coal industry.
❤ Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan passed a $1 TRILLION tax giveaway to corporations and the rich that included selling off the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to Big Oil.
President Trump announced that the U.S. would leave the Paris climate agreement – making the U.S. a global pariah and squandering our opportunity to be a leader in clean energy technology.

This is just a partial list. I could list dozens of examples, but this is my busy time of the year!

This is a very bad romance. Bad for our health, bad for our water, bad for our air, and bad for our climate future. Donate today to help Clean Water Action fight back.


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