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Protecting Michigan's Water Together

As I take time to reflect on what we’ve done this year, I’m struck by the tremendous progress we’ve made together. We’ve done a lot in 2018 to ensure a future where all Michiganders have access to clean, safe, and affordable drinking water.
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ReThink Disposable Searches for Trends in Alameda's Trash

On October 8th, Alameda City employees Kerry Parker and Marc Bautista joined ReThink Disposable program staff and members of Clean Water Action's field canvass team to pick through litter collected by the city’s streetsweeper from the two main busy commercial downtown districts on the island. The

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Stop the Raids

Last year, the General Assembly voted to divert $175 million dollars from the Connecticut Green Bank, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the Conservation and Load Management and Clean Energy Funds to plug a budget hole.

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How to Make an Impact for Clean Water

If you feel like you’re getting body-slammed by all the requests coming in through your phone or computer, you’re not alone. Here’s why: almost one-third of total giving happens in the month of December. The causes you care about most, and many others, don’t want to be left out.

You may not be able

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Why I Canvass

I am 22 and I have my dream job. In college I majored in environmental studies and focused on environmental justice. And unless I could get paid for activism and volunteer work, I really didn’t see myself getting paid for something I loved doing.

I attended an annual social justice conference

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