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A Disrespectful Nomination

Today’s business –as-usual announcement is jarring given the federal government budget impasse and partial shutdown. “Partial” hardly applies to the current situation as it pertains to EPA. Nearly 95% of EPA staff in the Washington, D.C. area and around the country are considered “non-essential” and are not working

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Plastics and toxics in baby products

My spouse and I are expecting our first child in the spring. Needless to say, our friends and families are very excited, and we are receiving a lot of advice and insight. One of the most frequent nuggets we have been getting goes something like this: “It really starts to get fun and exciting when you get to put together your baby registry!”

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Wish list for 2019: healthier holiday gifts

I hope that the holiday season was for you a time of joy and togetherness. If you’re like many people, December also meant shopping—for friends, family, or even yourself. Gift giving is a way to show kindness and appreciation to our loved ones, but all too often we may give gifts that cause unintended harm as well.

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Go Plastic Free - Join ReThink Disposable in 2019!

2018 was the year of plastic with plastic pollution reaching public attention more than ever before. The global plastic crisis made the cover of National Geographic, headlines in multiple international news sources and documentaries, and even a special on 60 Minutes. We also saw more plastic

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