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Responding to #ProtectCleanWater Myths

By Margi Armstrong, Lake St. Clair Program Coordinator Protecting all of our nation’s water seems like a no brainer. In fact, when I ask folks in my community to take action to fix the Clean Water Act and ensure that we protect our drinking water sources, the most common response is “Well, duh
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Project Stream Clean - #ProtectCleanWater

By Will Fadely, Baltimore Organizer - Follow Will on Twitter: @TrillChillWill Over the past few decades, Earth Day has become Earth Week. It’s a time for people and communities to connect with each other to take a stand for our environment and water. Earth Week and Earth Month give people a chance
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Clean Water Can’t Wait!

By Ben Davies Long Branch, New Jersey Field Canvass Director Living near the water, whether it’s the lake, the ocean, or a stream, has been an integral part of my life. I took that for granted for so many years. I’ve seen firsthand the impact of pollution on water if protections aren’t in place
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