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Will State House Lawmakers Ever Stand Up for Flint?

It was a dark, cold January day, shortly after Michigan officials had finally admitted that the people of Flint had been exposed to poisoned water running through their taps. We drove from Lansing to St Michael’s Church in Flint for an organizing meeting. Local activists, people from the non-profit

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Minnesota's 2016 Legislative Session in Review

As the brief 2016 legislative session ended, it was clear that this session would end like the 2015 legislative session did, riddled with missed opportunities to protect Minnesota’s environment and public health. The legislature managed to pass a $182 million supplemental budget bill that included

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Take us with you to the beach this weekend

It’s been a busy spring at Clean Water Action. We’ve been exposing oil and gas money’s influence on our national politics. We’ve been keeping an eye on Congress to keep them from destroying critical environmental programs through the budget process. We’ve been working for groundwater sustainability

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