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One Hour, 2,600 Pieces of Trash

Five ReThink Disposable staff and 45 students recovered a surprising amount of trash on a litter cleanup and characterization at Laney College in Oakland recently:

Our goal was to identify sources of trash on campus and help the students create a source reduction program on campus to stop litter

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The 2017 Legislative Session is over - what next?

Last night marked the end of Maryland's 2017 legislative session. This was a wild three months in Annapolis, but we were there for it all, campaigning for our priority issues, adding a few more, and making sure that we were an active voice for clean water throughout. We framed our legislative work

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Keeping antibiotics out of your water

Great news from Annapolis!

Maryland is poised to become the second state in the country to ban the routine use of antibiotics in farm animals. The Keep Antibiotics Effective Act has passed through both the House of Delegates and the Senate; now one of those chambers has to fully pass its

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Fighting Back Against Utility Greed

Graphic courtesy of the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.

Here's the bad news, Massachusetts: Eversource Energy is proposing a large rate increase, coupled with fees on solar energy and a structure that reduces customer control as well as incentives for cost-saving energy efficiency. Clean

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67 Marylanders speak out for offshore wind

As protectors of the environment, we seem to spend most of our time fighting against dangerous proposals. From trash-burning incinerators to crude oil train terminals, the resources at Baltimore's port seem to attract some of the worst examples of failed development. But last night was an incredible

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