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$8 million to stop Kramer and Newman!!

In a very memorable episode of Seinfeld, Kramer and Newman take off in Newman’s mail truck loaded down with empty pop cans to return in Michigan for a tidy profit of 10 cents per can. The scheme was hatched in Jerry’s apartment, and their initial run was to be a sort of test to see whether or not a

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Making Polluters Pay Again

It’s 2002. I’m seven years old and sitting at my dining room table with my mom, eating breakfast and drinking a glass of orange juice. My mom and I are laughing about something when I knock the glass over. The juice spills everywhere – on the table and floor as I stare at the mess in shock. My mom

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Lame Duck Heroes and Zeros

Lame Duck Heroes and Zeros

The end of 2018 was record-breaking. After passing 351 bills over the course of the first 22 months of Michigan’s 99 th legislative session, lawmakers passed a whopping 408 bills in a frenzied four-week long lame duck session. This was the busiest and the most

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Protecting Michigan's Water Together

As I take time to reflect on what we’ve done this year, I’m struck by the tremendous progress we’ve made together. We’ve done a lot in 2018 to ensure a future where all Michiganders have access to clean, safe, and affordable drinking water.
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