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Publications by Clean Water Action Michigan

Michigan Currents | Winter 2023

In This Issue: Water Affordability Package Advances in MI Legislature | Holding Polluters Accountable in Lansing | Enbridge Line 5 Propaganda is Everywhere, and So Are We | Progress On Public Power & National News: Urge Your Elected Officials To Protect ALL Of Our Water! | The Clean Water Act of 2023 | We Can Get The Lead Out Of Drinking Water | Federal Budget Update

Michigan Currents | Summer 2023

In This Issue: Making Millionaires and Corporations Pay Their Fair Share, for Our Water | What will the Michigan Legislature do for our Water? | Fighting Climate Change and Holding DTE Energy Accountable | Clean Water Action as Allies in the Fight for Environmental Justice

Factsheet: Line 5 - A Timeline of a Ticking Bomb

A fossil fuel pipeline exists at the interaction of two Great Lakes. Built for 50 years but running for nearly 70. Unsupported sections, a million gallons already spilled along its length, owned by a company responsible for the largest inland oil spill in US history. The aging Line 5 pipeline is a disaster waiting to happen. This is a timeline of major Line 5 events, from construction in 1953 to present day.

Michigan Legislative Priorities

Clean Water Action has 135,000 active Michigan members who value our Great Lakes and protection of the water resources on which we all rely. This document covers our priorities and policy recommendations for the 102nd Michigan legislature.

Michigan Currents | Fall 2022

In This Issue: Tribar Spill Shows (Again) Why Michigan Needs Strong Polluter Pay Laws | Midterm Elections in Michigan Will Impact the Future of the Great Lakes | Connecting Oakland County | Great Lakes Award Celebration: Cheers to 50 Years! | DTE and Michigan’s Energy Future | Army Corps of Engineers Opens Scoping Comment Period for Line 5 Tunnel Proposal

Michigan Currents | Summer 2020

In this issue: We Can't Be Silent | 2020 Elections | MI Water, MI Future | Oakland County Climate Campaigns | COVID-19 and Environmental Injustice | Line 5