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Tell The Federal Railway Administration to Protect Railway Safety

In February, Baltimore oil trains activists gathered to learn about a deadly accident in Lac-Mégantic three years ago. Railroad Workers United representative Fritz Edler joined a resident of Lac-Mégantic to explain how policy decisions, like staffing that train with only one crew member, led to the train derailment and explosion in the middle of that small town.

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Oil Trains and Orioles Don't Mix

This 100+-year-old tunnel runs 1.4 miles from Howard Street to Mt Royal Ave, surfacing between the campuses of the University of Baltimore and MICA. And for the past five years, trains carrying crude oil from North Dakota have been passing through the tunnel on their way to refineries and export terminals in Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. This puts hundreds of thousands of Baltimore residents in danger on their way.

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We Are Not Drowning! We Are Fighting!

“We are not drowning! We are fighting! We are not drowning! We are fighting!” Those words echoed in the rafters as more than 200 gathered for the Baltimore premiere of How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change.

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Testifying for the REDUCE Act

As a field manager for Clean Water Action, I’ve crisscrossed the State of Maryland many times, knocking on doors and recruiting citizens to join me in Clean Water Action’s fight to protect our environment.

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