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Keep Antibiotics Effective!

The antibiotics that we rely on are becoming ineffective. Animals are prescribed routine, low-doses of antibiotics to prevent infection, creating the perfect breeding ground for antibiotic resistant bacteria. The World Health Organization, American Academy of Pediatrics, and Center for Disease

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Working for a Septic System Solution

On Tuesday, January 31st, we had our first bill hearing for SB 266 - reinstating the requirement for Best Available Technology for all new septic systems in Maryland. This fall, Governor Hogan overturned the previous regulation that required that new septic systems treat their nitrogen pollution

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The Future of Fracking

With the new federal administration taking over, a lot of citizens are concerned. Trump and his incoming administration seem eager to undo all the progress that has been made towards reducing our country’s emissions. On the official White House website, Trump has laid out his “America First Energy

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2017 Legislative Preview

In Maryland, the General Assembly meets every year for ninety days, from January to April. During this time, the State’s legislators introduce legislation on a variety of issues and must work together to pass a budget for the year ahead. With the 2017 Maryland General Assembly Session quickly

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Protect Maryland from fracking

Hydraulic fracturing or fracking has become quite the hot button issue, not just in the entire country, but also especially in Maryland. This invasive and dangerous method for obtaining natural gas could soon find its way to the state. In 2015 the Maryland General Assembly passed a two-year

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