Testimony against Chemical Recycling in Howard County
On Thursday, I spoke alongside hundreds of fellow Howard County residents at a Planning Board hearing on chemical recycling. W. R. Grace, headquartered in Columbia, has proposed to start a pilot of "chemical recycling" at their headquarters - read more here . Chemical recycling is not recycling
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"Closed Means Closed:" the 311 system in Baltimore City and pollution
On Thursday October 22 at 2:00 pm, I attended the Baltimore City Council committee’s hearing on Bill 19-0163R, an informational hearing 311, the language behind closure of a service request, and improvement of the 311 system. The hearing began with Councilman Pinkett showing three examples of
Touring the Patapsco Wastewater Treatment Plant
A Confusing Week for Baltimore's Plastic Bag Ban
On Monday October 7 at 1:00 pm, I attended the Baltimore City Council Judiciary Committee's work session on the Plastic Bag Reduction Bill ( #19-0401). It had to do with redefinition of a banned "plastic checkout bag" from a maximum thickness of 4 mils (thousandths of an inch) to a mazimum thickness
MDE listens to stories about "A Geyser of Human Waste"
On September 30, 2019, the Maryland Department of Environment held a meeting on the growing concerns surrounding the effectiveness of the “Baltimore City Building Backup Expedited Reimbursement Pilot Program”. Albeit the name of the program is long, the issues that this program remedies are concise
Introducing our Maryland Fall Interns!
We're happy to have three students working in our Baltimore office this fall! Coming from different schools, backgrounds, and perspectives, all three will be helping us advance our organizing and research on zero waste, sewage and septic systems, and more. You'll be hearing more from them on this
4,500+ Baltimore homes had sewage backups last year - but only 10 got assistance
For almost a year, our team has been knocking on doors, visiting community association, and speaking at community festivals in Baltimore City about a subject nobody really wants to talk about: sewage backing up into people's basements. According to 311 call records, this happens to more than 4,500