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Bringing "The Story of Plastics" home to Maryland

This weekend, almost 150 people joined us for a special screening of " The Story of Plastic." The Story of Plastic takes a sweeping look at the man-made crisis of plastic pollution and the worldwide effect it has on the health of our planet and the people who inhabit it, from people in Appalachia

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Baltimore's budget: more money for BPD?

Click here to submit your comments on the Baltimore City budget.

All of this week, the City Council's Budget and Appropriations Committee has been holding hearings on each city department's budget ( you can watch the recordings on the City's Youtube channel), and the Council will vote on the budget

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June 2nd: Maryland's Primary

Today is the last day to request an absentee ballot if you have not yet received your ballot in the mail.

If you have received your ballot, just a reminder that it needs to sent June 2nd.

There are official ballot drop off boxes in each county and Baltimore City if you would rather deliver your

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Shannon Sneed for Baltimore City Council President

Maryland's primary election is one week from today - have you received your ballot in the mail? If so, don't forget to mark it in black ink, and sign and date the back before sending it in! If not, it's not too late to make sure your voice is heard - you can download and print a ballot here by

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