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I’m with Her (Mother Earth): A Climate Affair

If you open up your social media feed you’ll probably notice a lot of news about incredible young people doing powerful things to influence policy, make the world a better place, or just being awesome. The youth are our future, which is why Clean Water Action decided to start a Youth Advisory Board

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Recognizing Women Leaders: Lee Ketelsen

As National Women’s History Month is winding down, we’d like to end it by honoring and recognizing an important women leader in the Clean Water Action family. Lee served as Massachusetts Director and then New England Director for Clean Water Action from 1985 to 2010 and is now a member of the Clean

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March Madness and the Climate Crisis

The calendar says it is officially spring now, but we're not feeling it on the ground in the Northeast. We just experienced our fourth Nor'easter in recent weeks, the "Foureaster" as friends are joking on Facebook. In my town of Winthrop, Massachusetts, we have been rocked by this "new normal" on our small peninsula with only two roads in and out of town.

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