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No, Not Again: Major retailers still have a long way to go for safe stores

Mind the Store is a national campaign that works to get major retailers to get toxic chemicals off of their store shelves. Major retailers across the United States sell thousands of products containing toxic chemicals. Every year, Mind the Store releases a report card grading some of these retailers towards their progress on getting toxic chemicals off of store shelves. The companies are scored in different areas such as accountability, policy and disclosure.

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Why we must face climate change with a positive attitude

The world won’t end if humans keep up with business as usual, but we will face the most catastrophic loss of human and animal life the world has ever seen. We can’t downplay these findings. The real question is how do we talk about this in a way that communicates meaning and mobilization, instead of fear?
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The Candidates for Governor Discuss the Issues

On October 11 th Clean Water Action, along with 14 other environmental organizations coordinated by the Environmental League of Massachusetts, invited current Governor Charlie Baker and his opponent in his bid for re-election, former Massachusetts Secretary of Administration and Finance Jay Gonzalez

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Why does everything have to smell like roses?

Have you walked down the lotion, cleaning product, or personal care aisles lately and gotten a little light headed from the hundreds of different fragrances hitting you all at once? Do you ever avoid walking past the perfume area in Macy’s or any of the other large retailers in malls?

Ever since I

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I am part of a generation that is not protected from mercury exposure

When legislators and government agencies make decisions, we request they consider my generation’s future and the potential of our lives, and those that will come after. A life riddled and intertwined with the threats of this heavy metal was not what our parents had in mind, yet it is what we face. We urge state and federal governments to protect us from these dangers and allow us to live our lives free of the effects of mercury and we call upon them to make decisions to ensure that our children are the first generation that is truly protected from mercury exposure.

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